OLDENBERG, Germany – Moments ago, at Eve Arena, Italian Paolo Vidoz defended his European Heavyweight Title against Great Britain’s Michael Sprott. Since Sprott is a respected...
“This is Burma and it will be quite unlike any land you know about.” (Rudyard Kipling 1898) When most fans think of boxers, they almost certainly...
TUESDAY Memphis — Heavyweights MITCH GREEN -750 JAY SNYDER +650 The fighters are 92 years old combined; Snyder’s lost six straight by KO (All information is...
Saturday night in Tampa, Florida’s Roy Jones Jr. was successful once again. Unfortunately, this time he didn’t win another major bout, but rather he accomplished all...
For most of Saturday night’s fight, Antonio Tarver looked like a guy trying to feel his way through the dark. Fists spread out wide in front...
LOS ANGELES (October 4, 2005) – After fighting his way to the top of the welterweight division and earning not only the prestigious 2002 Fighter of...
It was, of course, something of a classic … something Hollywood only wishes it could produce. But can you reproduce a masterpiece? Can a sequel ever...
Tampa – When appraising a champion boxer’s place in history you need to judge his accomplishments in the context of the era in which he fought...
It was simply a brutal fight. To call it a boxing match does not capture the essence of the contest or its combatants. This was fighting...
We are closing in on one of the most highly anticipated rematches in recent history. On October 8 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las...