THE BOXING SCENE; RANDOM THOUGHTS — It’s early January, which means every boxing publication and web site has probably alerted readers as to who and what...
MANNY PACQUIAO EYEING JEFF HORN — If the rumors are true and WBO welterweight title-holder Manny Pacquiao 59-6-2 (38) ends up fighting little-known Australian Jeff Horn...
WHAT PBC MUST DO TO STAY RELEVANT — It has been two years now since Al Haymon officially launched his Premier Boxing Champions series. There has...
BOXING COGITATIONS: It seems that periodically—maybe every five years or so– I reach a point where my guilty pleasure intersects with my revulsion of this thing...
2016 Boxing Year in Review — With mega stars Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao finally out of the big picture as the main attractions in all...
CARL FRAMPTON NAMED FIGHTER OF THE YEAR — Back in the bad old days when the Chicago Cubs were still dreadful and the great Ernie Banks...
MIGUEL COTTO vs JAMES KIRKLAND — Maybe it was a long-planned event but a press conference for Miguel Cotto and James Kirkland caught me by surprise....
VARGAS VS SALIDO RUMBLE; AN INSTANT CLASSIC — Forrest Gump’s mother told him that life is like a box of chocolates in that you don’t always...
Giant Killer Thompson Boxing Putting More Bullets in Chamber in 2017 – Mini powerhouse boxing organization Thompson Boxing Promotions enters its 18th year battling the promotional...
Intimate Warfare – One of the problems with boxing today is that too many of the fights that fans see are mismatches. The best fighters are...