Boxers deal with “little deaths” much more than us regular folks. (Chris Farina-Top Rank) Truth be told, I am absolutely terrified of death. It’s not the...
They respect each other, but a Ward-Gatti type friendship? Probably not gonna happen. (Chris Farina-Top Rank) Juan Manuel Marquez pondered the question for a moment,...
Even super accomplished people need to keep striving, keep looking to climb mountains even after they’ve ascended Everest, because what else is there to do, but...
There is a great scene from the Best Picture of 1972, The Godfather , that reminds me of why boxing fans are so taken with certain...
Years ago, Patrick Kehoe wrote, “We must be ever vigilant to record the truths and meanings that take place in the boxing ring.” With that in...
“Freddie, this Marquez knows me better than Jinkee does. He knows what I'm going to do before I do.” (Chris Farina-Top Rank) This Saturday, Manny Pacquiao...
Well, the year 2012 is coming to an end and true to tradition, Floyd Mayweather 43-0 (26) has only fought once. That was in May against...
Saturday night, in what was one of the biggest upsets of 2012, Puerto Rican superstar Miguel Cotto {37-4 with 30 Kos} tasted defeat at Madison Square...
Cotto looked like his face got run over by a tractor. Readers, should he hang up the gloves, after two straight losses? (Tom Casino) Miguel Cotto...
Freddie says Manny has had a good camp, with less Bible study and less Ariza. (Chris Farina-Top Rank) Now, apparently, we know how Freddie Roach REALLY...