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Round by Round

Canelo Alvarez Vs. Austin Trout: Live round-by-round updates




Canelo vs. Trout

Trout walked out first wearing white trunks. Canelo wears black with red trim. Fighters are announced. It is Showtime!

Round 1

Canelo loosens up his jaw as the fighters bounce around the ring until the bell rings. Action takes place center ring. Canelo circles to his left and Trout throws the first right jab midway through the first minute. Canelo can’t inside so far. Trout is controlling the pace of the round. The crowd goes nuts with every Canelo punch thrown.

Trout 10-9

Round 2

Canelo is backing Trout but still can’t get inside. Trout lands a nice straight left at the end of the first minute. Trout is pawing the jab, not really landing it hard. But the punch is keeping Canelo at bay. Canelo landed a good right uppercut with about thirty seconds to go in the round. Better round for Canelo. But Trout wins again.

Trout 10-9

Round 3

Trout’s length is giving Canelo problems. The Mexican fan favorite has not landed any impact punch so far. Round 3 starts just like the other two. Trout jabs and Canelo stalks. Canelo is reaching with the right hand, looks more aggressive. Canelo opened up with a good right hook to Trout’s chest. Canelo edges this one.

10-9 Canelo

Round 4

Canelo is using the jab more in this round. His right-hand finds the target with minimal damage. As a matter of fact, neither fighter has made a definitive statement. Trout tags Canelo with two straight lefts to the body. This is a close round. Straight left lands again for Trout in the last minute. Canelo is closing the distance but Trout takes the round.

10-9 Trout

Round 5

Trout has neutralized Canelo so far with the jab. Canelo gets hit with a right hook midway through the round but comes back with a right to the body followed by a right to the face. Canelo is stalking well. He hits Trout with a good one-two to the head in the last-minute. It’s a tough round to score. But Canelo gets the edge.

10-9 Canelo

Round 6

Canelo hits Trout with the best punch of the fight, a lead right hand. Canelo’s is landing beautifully in this round. With 90 seconds to go, Trout fights back. He backs Canelo to the ropes and lands multiple left hands. Best round so far. Trout lands well in the final minute. Canelo hits Trout with a right uppercut to close the stanza.

Trout 10-9

Round 7

Trout goes down with a straight right-hand! Trout gets up early in the count. Canelo is on the attack. Trout hits him with a counter left. Trout’s legs are weary. The right-hand is finding its target for Canelo. With one minute to go Trout is still throwing strong. Great round for Canelo.

10-8 Canelo

Round 8

Trout looks back to form. He backs Canelo to the ropes and flashes the jab. Trout is in control even though he has not connected with any significant shots.Canelo seems like he is looking for the big shot. Canelo hits Trout with a straight right in the last-minute. But Trout takes it.

10-9 Trout

Round 9

Canelo lands an awesome straight right that froze Trout. But Trout recovers well. More pressure in this round from Canelo but he gets hit with a good left uppercut at the 90 second point. Canelo is moving well but he did not connect enough to win this round. Good defensive round for Trout.

10-9 Trout

Round 10

Trout shows a bit more aggression in Round 10. Canelo jacks Trout with a solid right uppercut but Trout takes it well. It is an Austin Trout round. Canelo’s shots are strong when they connect but he is not busy enough. Trout hits Canelo with a nice straight left to end the round. Good round for Trout.

10-9 Trout

Round 11

Canelo gets aggressive. He lands a straight right on the button that Trout takes well. Then he retreats. Trout’s attack is steady. He lands a straight left that backs Canelo to the ropes. The fighters exchange shots at the sound of the bell. Close round.

Canelo 10-9

Round 12

It’s a competitive fight but Trout’s commitment to the jab is the difference so far. Trout is coming strong to close the show. The WBC has an open scoring system for this fight and Canelo is winning by a wide-margin on the official scorecards. Canelo knows it and he is keeping his guard up. Meanwhile Trout, who is ahead on our scorecard is winning this round with constant pressure.

Trout 10-9

The judges score a unanimous decision 115-112 116-111 and 118-109 for Canelo Alvarez

TSS scored it 115-112 for Austin Trout!


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Round by Round

Miguel Cotto Vs Sergio Martinez: Live Round-by-Round Updates



Miguel Cotto vs. Sergio Martinez is moments away!…

Miguel Cotto is in the ring wearing a black and pink outfit. Sergio walks in wearing a Argentina soccer jersey with his nickname on the back, “Maravilla.”

Round 1

Sergio lands the first punch, a jab. Cotto answers with a quick lead right hand. Sergio is circling to his right. Cotto looks sharp. He is landing good shots so far. Cotto wobbles Martinez in the first minute. Martinez goes down! He falls face first, center ring. Cotto rocks Martinez again. Martinez goes down!! Another shot, Martinez falls for the third time! Cotto’s left hook is finding the target. Sergio makes it out of the first round.
10-6 Cotto

Round 2

Martinez is bleeding from behind his right ear. Cotto’s left hook lands again. But Martinez takes it well. Cotto is keeping the pressure on. Now, Martinez seems to have his legs under him midway through the round. Martinez falls, but it’s correctly called a slip by the ref. Cotto is stalking. Cotto dominates the round.
10-9 Cotto

Round 3

Cotto wobbles Martinez early in the round with another left hook. Martinez lands a three-punch combo. Cotto answers with another signature left hook. Although Martinez is getting rocked, he is getting comfortable in there. Another round for Cotto but this one was closer.
10-9 Cotto

Round 4

This round is even in the first minute. Martinez is finding the target with his jab. He begins to get his timing, but then Cotto lands another great counter left hook. Martinez backs up, shows his courage and tells Cotto to bring it. Good round, we’ll give it to Cotto again.
10-9 Cotto

Round 5

Cotto lands three straight shots to open the round. Cotto is using a body attack in this round and a frustrated Martinez has no answer. Cotto is also stalking like a right-handed version of Manny Pacquiao. This fight is Cotto’s greatest performance so far in his career.

10-9 Cotto

Round 6

Martinez lands a jab followed by an overhand left. Martinez catches Cotto again with a straight left. Cotto hit Martinez with a counter right hand, but Martinez takes it well. For the first time in the fight, Martinez is winning a round. Cotto keeps attacking the body, but Martinez gets the round.
10-9 Martinez

Round 7

Action in center ring, once again, Martinez looks like he is taking the shots from Cotto. Martinez is making Cotto miss. It’s an even round midway through. Cotto lands a great right hand that froze Martinez with 40 seconds to go. Martinez’s head snaps back again at the end of the round.
10-9 Cotto

Round 8

Martinez is swinging but can’t find the target. Cotto is supremely relaxed. He lands another great left hook. It seems like the left hand just cannot miss for Miguel Cotto. Cotto hits Martinez with a hard right hand to end the round.
10-9 Cotto

Round 9

Martinez is bleeding from both eyes. He gets hit with an awesome right uppercut. Martinez is retreating. Cotto is just beating him up. Cotto is walks through Martinez. Martinez’s knee hits the canvas after another shot to the head. Cotto keeps on rolling.
10-8 Cotto

Sergio Martinez cannot answer the bell for the 10th round. The fight is over. Miguel Cotto is now the middleweight champion of the world!


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Round by Round

Juan Manuel Marquez vs. Mike Alvarado: Live round-by-round updates



Mike Alvarado walks in the ring wearing a smirk on his face. Juan Manuel Marquez is in the ring and means business. Michael Buffer is doing his thing, the main event is moments away.

Round 1:

The action takes place in center ring. The fighters are sizing each other up in the first minute, shooting jabs. Marquez landed a good overhand right midway through the round. Alvarado takes it well. Alvarado is very patient, making Marquez lead the action. Marquez is landing but it’s nothing major. Marquez wins the round. But Alvarado is fighting for the long haul.

10-9 Marquez

Round 2

Alvarado lands a good counter left hook in first minute. Action is picking up, Marquez returns first with a three punch combo to the head. Alvarado is fighting a good fight but isn’t winning the rounds yet. The fight is relatively even, but Marquez is the busier fighter.

10-9 Marquez

Round 3

Marquez is landing well to the body. He is starting to showcase his skill and experience. Alvarado has yet to open up with combinations. Alvarado shoots a wild left hook that misses and Marquez makes him answer. Alvarado winds up with a left hook again, this time it lands. But once again, Marquez wins the round.

10-9 Marquez

Round 4

Marquez lands a hard right hand followed by a solid straight left. Alvarado is looking for the big shot, but Marquez is landing and slipping away. Marquez hits Alvarado with a four punch combo. Alvarado has no answer so far in this fight.

10-9 Marquez

Round 5

Alvarado lands a right hook, followed by a straight left, his best two punches of the fight in the first minute of the round. His is trying to box, but Marquez is still picking him apart. This is a closer round but Marquez’s efficiency is the difference once again.

10-9 Marquez

Round 6

Alvarado is still playing the boxing card against a master boxer. He has not shown a sense of urgency yet. Marquez lands a brilliant four punch combo. Marquez is winning the inside exchanges. Another easy round for the Mexican legend.

10-9 Marquez

Round 7

Action in center ring again. Alvarado comes forward but cannot land any effective punches. Marquez lands more impressive combinations on the button. Easy does it. This is a one-sided fight so far.

10-9 Marquez

Round 8

Alvarado lands a good overhand right that Marquez takes well. Marquez is circling the ring, sticking and moving. Alvarado hits the canvas after getting hit by a tremendous counter right hand by Marquez. Alvarado survives the round but looks hurt.

10-8 Marquez

Round 9

Marquez goes down after getting hit by a nice counter right hand by Alvarado. Marquez gets up quick and lands eight straight speed shots to the head. The crowd is going crazy. Alvarado wobbles Marquez with another right hand. The action is finally picking up. Alvarado has a bad cut under his left eye. Marquez hits Alvarado with a big left hand. Great round.

10-8 Alvarado

Round 10

Alvarado hits Marquez with a good left hook in the first minute. He is pushing Marquez back for the first time. Alvarado is trying to find his way inside, but Marquez is making him pay with counter shots. This is a close round. Alvarado lands a hard right hand, Marquez answers back with a right hand of his own.

10-9 Alvarado

Round 11

The fighters are trading left hooks in center ring. This is a close round. Alvarado’s defense is better in this round, but Marquez is landing the better punches. Marquez gets hit with a right hand that almost knocks him down, but he still does enough to win the round.

10-9 Marquez

Round 12

Alvarado lands a good right hand in the first minute. Marquez is fighting defensively in this round. He knows the fight is in the bag as long as it goes the distance. Alvarado lands a good three punch combo in the second minute. Marquez comes back with a good right hand in the final seconds, but it is not enough to win the round.

10-9 Alvarado

TSS scores the fight 116-111 for Juan Manuel Marquez

The official judges scorecards read 117-109 117-109 and 119-108 for Juan Manuel Marquez


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Round by Round

Mayweather vs. Maidana – Live round-by-round updates



Both fighters are in the ring. Jimmy Lennon Jr. is ready to announce. we ‘re almost ready!

OK. Let’s go.

Round 1

Action in center ring, Floyd Maidana is circling to his left action in first minute. Maidana is rushing Mayweather. Floyd is against the ropes and the crowd is going crazy. Floyd is hitting Maidana with vicious shots but Floyd is taking them well. This is a big round for Maidana.

Maidana 10-9

Round 2

Floyd Seems unfazed by previous round. Floyd hits Maidana with two quick shots, a left and right to the head. Floyd Seems more comfortable. Maidana His jab is keeping at bay. Good, smart, round for Floyd.

Floyd 10-9

Round 3

Floyd using good footwork, backing up and shooting shots. It’s signature Floyd. But Maidana gets him on the ropes midway through the round and lands a good uppercut. Ref warns Maidana for roughhousing. Good round for Floyd. Also I have is Effective landing shots with his back against the ropes.

Floyd 10-9

Round 4

Floyd is tagging Maidana again. Stick and move. Floyd’s right eye is cut with a punch. keeps pawing at it I, But Also hitting Maidana with good left hooks. Floyd’s It’s round but Might Get things interesting.

Floyd 10-9

Round 5

Cut is maintained. Now, Floyd goes back to work. Maidana hits Floyd with a solid overhand right That Takes Floyd well. It’s a good round for Maidana. The brawler from Argentina focused on Floyd’s body with good roundhouse punches.

Maidana 10-9

Round 6

Floyd is winning the first half of this round With His feet. He’s moving all over the ring and tagging Maidana When need be. Floyd hit Maidana with a perfect right uppercut midway through the round. Maidana looks tired for the first time. Floyd is coming forward and timing well. Good round for Floyd.

Floyd 10-9

Round 7

Maidana is stalking, and looking for a clean punch, but I is paying the price with Floyd’s great counterattack. Floyd hit Maidana with a four-punch combo pretty to get off the ropes. Comfortable Floyd seems. The cut is under monitoring and so is the fight.

Floyd 10-9

Round 8

Maidana is using any trick I can to survive. Floyd I hit low and gets a warning from the referee. Floyd is unfazed. The undefeated champ is on the attack and seemingly looking for the knockout. Maidana hits Floyd with a good left hook to the body at the end of the round. But Floyd wins.

Floyd 10-9

Round 9

Floyd is going southpaw, but gets cornered against the ropes. fights I have off with a beautiful combo. Maidana is pressing and connecting well, but Floyd is doing the same. This is a closer round but Floyd was in check again.

Floyd 10-9

Round 10

Maidana comes forward and gets hit, but walks through the punches. Maidana taunts Floyd and tells him to fight. The action is rough but it’s good. Very close round, but Floyd steals it at the end.

Floyd 10-9

Round 11

Maidana is pressing well. Floyd can not find the target as Easily as I did in Earlier rounds. Maidana shoulders Floyd against the ropes, puts his head in the undefeated champions chest, and throws power shots. Floyd tackles Maidana to the canvas. The crowd goes crazy. Floyd shakes his head in disgust at the sound of the bell.

Maidana 10-9

Round 12

Good fight. The crowd is on its feet and seemingly divided. Floyd lands an awesome left That shakes Maidana’s head. Floyd not moving his legs as much, and Maidana is pressing forward, looking for the exclamation point. Close round. We’ll call it even!


114-114, 117-111, 116-112 in favor of the winner by majority decision Floyd Mayweather

TSS scored it 116-113 for Floyd Mayweather


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