When he was a 22-year-old kid embarking on a boxing journey that might have ended almost as quickly as it began, J Russell Peltz – with...
Mark Kram Jr, Author of a New Bio of Joe Frazier, Pays Homage to his Father When it comes to writing about sports, the Kram duo,...
The Battle of Wits Between Roach and Birmingham May Decide PacMan vs. Thurman It is the boxers who are the center of attention, of course, and...
During the late 80s and early 90s whenever the name Buddy McGirt was mentioned it conjured up images of East Coast boxing. “I’m all East Coast...
Before his death at the age of 75 on Feb. 3, 2016, Richie Giachetti, the longest-tenured of longtime heavyweight champion Larry Holmes’ chief seconds, proudly spoke...
Many past heavyweight greats were closely aligned with their trainer. Joe Louis had Jack Blackburn, Rocky Marciano had Charlie Goldman, Muhammad Ali had Angelo Dundee and...
This past March 8th marked the 47th anniversary of the first fight between Muhammad Ali and "Smokin" Joe Frazier, billed as Frazier vs. Ali being that...
When I went through my voluminous files for a compilation of some of the better quotes collected from my many years on the boxing beat, I...
James Lawton calls boxing “the world’s oldest and most embattled sport.” A Ringside Affair (Bloomsbury Publishing) recounts his sojourn
worked with 41 world champions, 30 of whom he helped develop at that city’s shrine to the sweet science, the Kronk Gym, the most famous alumnus