Sergey “The Krusher” Kovalev has been named The Sweet Science Comeback Fighter of the Year for 2017. The former unified light heavyweight titlist made a successful...
“I want to ask you a question,” Don Turner said in his slight rasp, as he finished reminiscing about moving to New York in 1959 and...
During the last two decades the population of the Inland Empire, an area east of Los Angeles County, has doubled from 3 million to more than...
Vasyl Lomachenko was the story on Saturday night at the recently-opened MGM National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Maryland. Lomachenko, who’s at or near the top of...
Birds of a feather indeed flock together even in Ukraine. Oleksandr Usyk was one of a trio of Ukrainians discovered and signed by manager Egis Klimas....