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Sulaiman Says Boxing Is Sport Of Gossip, Abuse, Bitterness



Sulaiman Says Boxing Is Sport Of Gossip, Abuse, Bitterness

Sulaiman Says Boxing Is Sport Of Gossip, Abuse, Bitterness – The 49th annual World Boxing Council convention opened this morning at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. A huge crowd was in attendance – estimated at 1,200 – and included around 90 former or current world champions and 70 promoters from all around the world.

The emcees for the opening ceremonies were Jimmy Lennon Jr. and Colonel Bob Sheridan. The masters of ceremonies were WBC Executive Director Mauricio Sulaiman of Mexico and Special Legal Counsel to the WBC Board of Governors Robert Lenhardt of the United States.

Former heavyweight world champion George Foreman addressed the morning assembly and said, “I’m so happy to be with you, and I’m so happy to be with all the great champions of the past and the future, but most importantly, I wouldn’t have made this trip – because I’ve got enough money I can just sit home and eat beans and rice – but because of the great Mr. Jose Suliaman. He invited me and I could not resist.

“I can remember, it was 40 years ago or thereabouts, when I was invited to just sit in at this most humble meeting at that point. And as I sat there, I was asking just for a chance to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world. I didn’t have a powerful promoter, all I had was just this meager manager named Dick Saddler, and Mr Sulaiman stood up and said, ‘Look, the rematch can happen with Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier, but we’re going to give you, Joe Frazier, so many hours to make a match with George Foreman. And I got my chance to become heavyweight champion of the world because this humble man held this humble position.

“Since then, you hear them talk about ‘alphabet’ championships, but this is no alphabet – this is most powerful and the most gracious and humble, with integrity, the WBC. I want to thank you for coming out and supporting this great man, Mr. Sulaiman. He speaks from his heart, and he’s got a son to follow right behind him. God bless him.”

In his annual opening speech, President Sulaiman said, “All of the WBC people know me well and they know that I improvise, so whatever speech that I wrote might not be good.

“First, I would like to address and give my thanks to the Board of Governors, to the dear friends of mine that came from all over the world, and I would like to give my heart to the biggest heroes that I have had in my life – the WBC champions. I don’t know how to pay you, only with my heart, for you being with the WBC at this time.

“I remember George Foreman many years ago when he was a kid, after winning the gold medal of the Olympic Games, jumping into the ring with the United States flag, when at those Olympics many went with black gloves. When they didn’t want to give him an opportunity for the title and we had to give Joe Frazier, God rest his soul, 48 hours to sign a fight with George Foreman in Jamaica.

“I remember Sugar Ray Leonard when he won the first championship in the welterweight division against Benitez. I went in the ring to present him his green belt, and he looked at me and said, ‘I’m taller than you.’

“I remember Larry Holmes when, after beating Ken Norton, he went into the swimming pool at the Hilton Hotel with his robe, his trunks, his shoes, and his belt.

“I remember Carlos Monzon when in Paris, took the antidoping test and the report of the laboratory was that it was champagne.

“I remember Cuyo Hernandez, one of my greatest mentors, pushing one of his fighters on the scale so he would make the weight. Nobody saw, but one of the photographers took the photo.

“There are so many incidents in my life with all of them that when I see their faces, they make me smile and enjoy and be very proud, because they are boxing. They are the kings of boxing – nobody but boxers. They are my devotion and my life.

“The worst moment in my life, but that showed the type of organization that is the WBC, is when I could not sleep all night because I had to strip Muhammad Ali from his championship because they broke the rules to fight Ken Norton in his fight against Leon Spinks. That was the saddest moment of my life because Ali has been a dear brother of mine.

“I am very happy that this convention is in Nevada because in Nevada, we have had many, many close relations. Nevada was a founder of the WBC in 1963, with Jim Deskin, God bless his soul. Nevada had also in the WBC several vice-presidents. The first one was Jim Deskin himself, then Sig Rigich and John Davis. We are very happy because we have had 274 championship fights in the state of Nevada. We have had 166 regional and final elimination fights, to make a total of eight fights of the WBC every year for 49 years, and that is history.

“The passing of my life through the sport of boxing is when I was a child and I had to fight in the hors d’oeurves fights to get in, because I didn’t have money to go the shows, and in five years I got a broken nose, a broken jaw, and I decided to go as a commissioner. I was not a good fighter.

“I hope that you understand that at my age, I have left behind many, many, many things in my life. The 36 years that I have been president – only last week – I don’t know where they went. They went away faster than the wind, but here I am.

“Do you believe that the WBC is going to hang up the gloves? The WBC is going to continue to fight. We have many, many things to do. The WBC has changed the world of boxing from a violent legalized sport with the rules of those days, to a most protective boxing of today.

“I remember Marvin Hagler saying, ‘Why in the world did you reduce the fights to 12 rounds?’ He never fought 15, so why was he protesting? He’s here.

“Yesterday, the Board of Governors approved to start by the month of May of next year, a World WBC Cup. We have 10 Continental Federations, and each champion of their division of those continental federations are going to fight for the title, and we are going to add the Silver Champions and WBC International champions. I believe that this is one of the greatest steps we are going to do for all those great people that are coming up and will be stars one of these days.

“The WBC has also implemented the WBC International Visa, because today it is a disgrace what is happening in the world – agents sending boxers that are sick, that have no authorization from their commissions, that have been suspended, sending a featherweight to fight against a welterweight. In this matter with the International Visa, no commission should allow any visiting fighter coming to fight if he does not present the documents so we can protect their health, and at the same time protect the public. We expect that the boxing commissions will follow this very important safety action.

“We also are implementing a medical web so that all the doctors of the world have a way to communicate with each other and know any physical problem that a visiting fighter might have.

“We also want to have the gloves examined, because many of the gloves that we have seen in the world do cause problems in the faces of the boxers. There are some that are so rough, and boxers use the stitches – they use whatever they can to try to win. But we want everybody to go in the ring, regardless of the brand, with a top-quality glove so we have no advantages.

“One of the most important things, and my only objective of the rest of my life, will be to bring a pension plan for retired boxers. We want to have the World Cup for that income to help in creating a world fund.

“I am at this convention also inviting all the promoters of the world to help the WBC by accepting to charge or donate one dollar for every fan that goes to any WBC fight in the world. With that amount and the amount of the World Cup, we will have a pension plan because boxers, unfortunately, believe that because they fought today, they can expect that they can win it in the next fight. Suddenly, the lights are off, no more fights, and they have to live with tears, just thinking of the glorious past, but have no way to live a decent life.

“Here, I would like to extend my deepest congratulations to Mexican humanitarian Carlos Slim, because he has just approved five more WBC world champions living in poverty, and he has 27 champions of the world with a life pension, and a life hospital assured for all of them. And that will be my work for all the former champions. We want them to come to the world with dignity. We want them not to come to the world talking to the walls, or cauliflower ears, or not being able to buy a Coke. The WBC promises to devote, as long as I’m the president, our very best efforts to be able to help the retired boxers. We owe that to them. They have been the glory of the sport. They have been the glory of many countries of the world. It is our obligation not to allow this to happen anymore.

“We have seen many unfair things happen in the ring. The referee is not a God. The referee can only do what he sees, but he does not see everything. We are not going to accept unfairness to continue. That’s why the WBC is implementing an instant video replay. With instant video replay, the WBC will have a way to find justice. Recently, my friend Chad Dawson pushed off Bernard Hopkins and pushed him to the canvas and he hurt his left elbow. Nobody believed it, but Hopkins’ report was that he had been hurt. The referee declared a knockout. The WBC declared it a technical draw. It is not fair that any world champion lose his title on a foul.

“We are also going to implement the announcement of the scores at the end of the fourth and the eighth rounds. Baseball scores runs, basketball scores baskets, football – touchdowns. Diving is immediately scored by the judges. Even gymnastics is immediately scored. Why should boxing continue being a mystery? How many losers would have won the fight if they would have known by the eighth round how they were going, or by the fourth round how they were going? I don’t believe that are many boxers in the world that would have not liked to know, because at the end of the fight, everybody thinks ‘I won,’ and they lose. Why this mystery? It is a mystery that we cannot accept anymore, because we do not know what’s behind. I never lose any trust of the judges. They are great people, but at least this offering – the knowledge – to the fans, and to the corners especially, will bring a new confidence to the world and respect.

“We also do not like what AIBA is doing in amateur boxing. They have no trust and no confidence anymore from the world of amateurs – no great champions, like those that are born at the Olympic Games in the past and became great as professionals. No more. And old men like me, being one of five, pushing a button when they see that somebody scored the punch – why, if one was sleeping, they didn’t punch it at the same time, so we have at the end of the fight, like a baseball game, 3 to 2. That’s ridiculous. We have to change that. And I’m going to see during the following year if the WBC can start a Golden Gloves all over the world. We need new heroes. We need new boxers. Now there are no tournaments in Latin America. They all have to go and play football instead of being boxers because there are no tournaments. The WBC wants to be very active also in amateurs.

“We also are thinking of a world tournament of preliminary fighters, four and six-rounders, because four and six-rounders only go to fight for peanuts. They win, they put the money in their pocket, they spend it in a month. If we have a tournament for the preliminary fighters, they will also have a championship in their minds – the pride that a championship is to a boxer.

“And we have many other things that the WBC is planning to do. One other thing that is a deep concern of mine – television and promoters want to control boxing. Now if a television company says, ‘I don’t want your challenger, you have to fight X.’ So they step on the international organizations. How can we hurt a boxer that is getting two million to fight with someone else, because the television did not accept the challenger? Also promoters – to me, boxing would not exist without promoters – promoters are very important for boxing. It’s about time that they buried their hatchets, that they stop swearing at each other, and that they start using everybody’s fighters, using for the best of boxing the best boxers to box. We want to try to sit down with the television also, to bring rule and order to the sport of boxing. The WBC cannot allow being handled and manuevered. To me, it’s over. If a champion does not want to give the WBC title, he’s free to go. But if he wants to stay, he has to realize that he’s the best champion in the world of his division, like all those that are here have been in their lives.

“In my life as President, I have learned many things. I like to read biographies and of the heroes of my life, I learn what made them succeed. For that, I have learned also my commitment to listen carefully to anyone that comes to see me for a meeting. The poor people have a problem as big for them as the biggest and most important promoter. To me, you all know that I am open and always willing to talk to everybody, because without you, there would not be boxing. If we commissioners and promoters, if we do not participate, there is no boxing. And for me, it’s very important to hear any opinion that anybody has.

“I have learned though my father and my mother that humility is the king of mankind. He who is arrogant is mediocre. Humility and simplicity are the best zeal of any human being. Look at the champions. They are followed by hundreds of people – pictures and signatures, pictures and signatures. They all are ready to do it always. Regardless if they get tired, they continue to try to be good to the people, because the people made them. Simplicity and humility are what I always recommend.

“In my life, I am not a fighter in the desert. You know me – I’m a warrior. It there’s someone who wants to attack the dignity and the honor of the WBC, they will find a fight. But in life, I like to prevent rather than to be sorry for doing something wrong. I always believe that every problem can be resolved. I always believe that there should be an intermediary to make both parties understand that they should fix the problems without wars.

“The WBC got away from the courts of justice of the United States by imposing in our rules the court of arbitration of sports that is in Switzerland. It’s much cheaper, it’s faster. So that has been the official organization that resolves the WBC’s problems.

“I cannot forget, I told my friends and we made a toast yesterday because of Rocchigiani. Rocchigiani was a good fighter, but he did not fight for the WBC title. He fought for another title, an interim title. And because we did not recognize that, because Roy Jones, I saw him here, was the champion. He did not resign his title of the WBC. But we had a New York judge – red color, brilliant blue eyes, that selected four red color, brilliant judges, and he decided that the WBC was to blame. Let me tell you, I like red color. And he decided that and he charged the WBC with 35 million dollars to pay to a boxer that was in a high prison, who let him out to come to the United States to court, with even his passport to travel to the United States. Arriving in New York, one year after the towers’ destruction, that was manuevered in Germany, as he was allowed in this country. Since the very beginning, the judge said, ‘I’m sorry, but I lived in Germany for five years and my wife was an opera singer, also from Germany.’ I told my lawyers, ‘Let’s go.’ They said, ‘No, no, no.’ The judge said 35 million dollars. What is that? Only Sugar Ray and George know what 35 millions dollars are. Finally we finished the problem, about $500,000 a year for several years, and we had the last payment for some very important amount and this thing is over. I hope that you will help us all not to fall into something like that in the future, because 30 boxers that lived in poverty stopped receiving a pension plan that the WBC was giving to them because we didn’t have the money.

“I have always accepted to be flexible in many cases, but the only matter for which I am not flexible is honor and dignity. I would not accept my honor and my dignity be stepped on, because that is absolutely unacceptable. I believe that it is exactly the same thoughts of all the members of the WBC.

“Having said all that, I would like to ask your forgiveness for remembering today is December the 12th, the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the day that multi-millions of Mexicans go to visit every year because she gives warmth, she gives peace, she gives hope.

“We have brought many different boxing titles because today everybody wants to promote a 12 round fight. No TV company that I know would support boxing if it did not have 12 rounds. In history, many, many of the boxers have had to fight for money only and nothing else. The WBC created a WBC Muay Thai, which has been very successful, and a WBC Youth World Championship for those not older than 22 years. We have created the Latino, the Americas, the Mediterranean titles, and those are functioning very well. I would like to congratulate all the chairmen of those regional titles who have worked so hard.

“My life has been a life of dreams. When I was a kid, I used to dream that I had an accident so the beautiful lady I liked would feel sad for me and come and caress me. I used to dream that I was fighting Muhammad Ali, and I would knock him out. I would dream about the beautiful girls that I have met in my life, with my excuses to my sons, and my life has been a dream life. I am sure that all the people here are also dreamers. Who of the boxers, when they start, do not dream of becoming champions of the world? What I recommend is never stop dreaming. To the last day of our life, we must continue dreaming, because dreaming makes happiness. Dreaming makes you get off of the chair to fight. Dreaming is the best thing that you can do. It’s a picture in your mind for everything that you want to accomplish. And that’s one of the things that I would like to leave as a message, and very especially to my champions – very especially to all of you – because you’ve been the greatest. One day it was dark. Your greatness is gone, but you have to dream, that your greatness remains in your mind and you continue being champions of the world to the last day of your life.

“I believe also that a leader is committed to the service of others, very especially those people that need it. And you should be of service without ever expecting anything in return. When you do something for others, that’s your satisfaction. That’s your payment, because you should serve other people and not yourself.

“I’m very sorry for the translators, because everything I said, I didn’t follow my script – it came from my heart.

“But I would like to end by saying that boxing has become a sport of gossip, abuse, of bitterness, envy, and unfortunately, I had it many times. If a boxer doesn’t do something, the promoter gets mad. And if the WBC cannot support it, we get everything that he’s been through. It has been my great honor in my life to help everybody if I don’t hurt a third party. If Muhammad Ali and Leon Spinks would have not been hurting Ken Norton, I would not have voted with the WBC to strip Muhammad Ali. How could I do that? But they were hurting Ken Norton. And Ken Norton had a commitment from Ali and Spinks that the winner would fight him, and they didn’t. I could not break the rules, and I could not be unfair to the man who was waiting for his opportunity, and it was not given to him.

“George Foreman came to the WBC convention in Las Vegas many years ago. He wanted the rematch with Muhammad Ali. I didn’t know Muhammad Ali at the time very well, but we sat down to talk and he was very nice to George Foreman. His mind – ‘Oh, okay. I’ll make one voluntary defense and them I’ll fight old George.’ There is not a way that we should break the rules to hurt other people. If you don’t hurt anybody, then you have to help. That has been my commitment.

“I’m sorry for the length of my speech. I let go by my heart, and I didn’t read what I have taken about a week to write. But let me tell you, you cannot imagine the happiness that I have when I see every face that comes to say ‘hello’ to me. Because every one of you have been part of boxing, and have been part of my life.

“And about the boxers, my heroes, every time that I see the face of everyone, a memory comes to me, because they all have many memories. They all have gone through many good things, and not so many good things in life.

“I have made many mistakes as President – I’m a human being. But I assure you that all of them have been in good faith. And I do apologize for those mistakes to all the people who I might have hurt during my time. I just pray, and thank God for all this enormity of delegates and champions, and writers and promoters who are at this convention.

“Whatever God gives me for my life, I will keep devoting it with my profound love for this sport that is in my blood since I was born. I thank you so much, and I ask God to help you and protect always my champions. Thank you.”

Sulaiman Says Boxing Is Sport Of Gossip, Abuse, Bitterness / Check out more boxing news on video at The Boxing Channel.

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Three Punch Combo: What’s in the Cards for Spence, Kell Brook, and Cotto?



 THREE PUNCH COMBO: Errol Spence Jr. scored an impressive knockout victory against Kell Brook on Saturday to take Brook’s IBF welterweight title. Both fighters now face interesting possibilities as they move forward in their respective careers.

Spence, who entered the fight with a lot of questions, not only showcased his tremendous skills but proved he has a very good chin as well as the willingness to dig deep when needed. He is without a doubt a future superstar in this sport. With momentum strong right now, he would be wise to be as active as possible even if not landing one of the big names his next time out.

I sense that Spence’s advisor, Al Haymon, will in fact get him back in the ring this summer. One name I would speculate as an opponent is Adrian Granados. Coming off a debatable loss to Adrien Broner, Granados has earned another shot at a top fighter. Granados is not a big puncher, but will put forth a good effort. The translation here is that he is someone that can be sold to the public as an opponent for Spence while bigger names are lined up, and also someone against whom Spence can in all likelihood look impressive once again.

After a summer tilt, I would expect to see Spence back in action towards the end of the year in a more substantial fight. Keith Thurman will still be on the mend at this point, recovering from elbow surgery, so that fight is out until next year. But Haymon has plenty of other welterweights and one that I suspect he steers toward Spence will be Lamont Peterson. Peterson is a name and has a belt. He also has a stated desire to want one of the big names next along with the payday that it would command. With Thurman out, this would seem the likely immediate path for Spence as such a fight would draw plenty of attention and be easy to sell.

As for Brook, he is going to need an extensive rest before restarting his career. He suffered a beating as well as an eye injury in September against Gennady Golovkin and then suffered another beating as well as injuring his other eye against Spence. After a rest, expect to see a tune- up bout followed by a massive fight in the UK against Amir Khan. The Khan fight has always been big and one of the reasons it has not been made is that it could frankly be made anytime with it still being a very significant event. Considering where both fighters are presently in their respective careers, the timing seems right for it to happen sooner rather than later. They both get a big payday and the winner gets well positioned for another big payday in what is a loaded territory at welterweight and junior middleweight.

Errol Spence Jr. and Kell Brook gave us a great fight on Saturday. While their career paths will head in different directions, expect to see both involved in big events once again down the road.

 Miguel Cotto’s Future

 Miguel Cotto announced this week that he would be returning to the ring on August 26th to face Japanese brawler Yoshihiro Kamegai for the vacant WBO junior middleweight championship. Cotto, who split from his promoter Roc Nation last week, will work with Golden Boy Promotions for this fight which will be televised by HBO.

This is an interesting development in the career of Cotto. Reportedly HBO had not been interested in televising the proposed Kamegai fight unless it received assurances from Cotto that it would lead to a bigger fight to be televised by the network. Also, Golden Boy’s involvement in the promotion signals that they could be involved in Cotto’s future. Obviously, this would mean the opponent for a big fight for Cotto would come from under the Golden Boy banner.

The obvious choice for Cotto’s big fight opponent is David Lemieux. Lemieux has been chasing a fight with Canelo Alvarez. However, with Alvarez deciding to go after Gennady Golovkin, Lemieux gets left on the outside looking in. In need of a big fight for Lemieux, Golden Boy saw an opportunity with Cotto having been previously negotiating the Kamegai fight with Roc Nation. A fight between Cotto and Lemieux makes sense for both as Cotto wants a name who isn’t a slick boxer and Lemieux wants a big fight with the payday it commands as well as the opportunity to put a signature win on his resume to bolster his future ambitions.

But I also think Golden Boy has another potential plan for Cotto. Golden Boy’s main cash cow, Canelo Alvarez, is in a high risk, high reward fight with Golovkin in September. There is no rematch clause if Alvarez wins and, of course, a win by Alvarez cements him as a mega star in the sport. He will be eyeing a return in May 2018 during Cinco de Mayo weekend. With momentum behind him, Alvarez would be wise to seek a name opponent to further boost the event. A rematch with Cotto would not only do huge business but keep the momentum going. For Cotto, it would be a chance to avenge the loss from 2015 to Alvarez and give him one massive payday as his career nears a conclusion.

Miguel Cotto is determined to close his career out with something big and it appears likely he will get his wish.

Kudos to Golden Boy

 When Golden Boy announced its new series on ESPN this winter, I was cautiously optimistic in the fights they would produce. I must say that the matchmaking thus far on this series has been superb and is getting even better with some recently announced cards. These are the types of televised shows the sport needs to generate some badly needed positive buzz.

On June 17th, Pablo Cesar Cano takes on Fidel Maldonado in a junior welterweight contest. This fight is not only very evenly matched but can’t be anything except a slugfest given the styles of the two fighters. Cano is a high pressure fighter who is willing to exchange to get his own punches home. Maldonado has the ability to box, but often gets drawn willingly into wars. In 2015, he had a back and forth shootout with Amir Iman in a fight that got some talk in fight of the year chatter. As a matter of fact, round three was probably round of the year that year. Maldonado has a tendency to fire back when he gets hit and with Cano’s style Maldonado is going to get hit a lot. This one is guaranteed action and a perfect fight for television.

About two weeks later, Golden Boy returns with another ESPN card featuring a high stakes junior featherweight contest between Randy Caballero and Oscar Negrete. Caballero is an undefeated former bantamweight belt holder and is a very skilled boxer puncher. Negrete, also undefeated, has shown much improvement inside the ring in his last few contests. The styles of these two should mix well to provide an entertaining fight. It is also evenly matched, and with so much at stake we should see the best of both men inside the ring.

One point I harp on a lot is the importance of good matchmaking, especially in televised fights. Golden Boy is doing an excellent job so far with their new ESPN series providing high quality, well-matched fights. The boxing public is taking notice and Golden Boy deserves much praise in delivering excellent events for the fans.

Check out more boxing news on video at The Boxing Channel.

IBF welterweight title

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Canada and USA

George Foreman Youth Center in Houston Hosts Amateur Event



George Foreman Youth Center

George Foreman Youth Center –  -Starting with the ring of the bell on October 22nd, local area boxers will be fighting for a spot to represent the Gulf Coast Region at the USA Boxing National Championships & in International Travel.

Weight categories will include: Pee Wee 8-9, Bantam 10-11, Intermediate 12-13, Juniors 14-15, Youth 15-16, & Elite 18-40 in both Open and Novice divisions. Winners will represent the Gulf area at the 2016 USA Boxing Elite, Youth and Junior National Championships to be held in Kansas City Missouri December 4-10, 2016. This tournament is a sanctioned event through USA Boxing the National Governing Body of Amateur Boxing and is a feeder to National and Olympic recognition.

The George Foreman Youth and Community Center was founded 32 years ago in 1984 by Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-time heavy weight champion George Foreman. The GFYCC is dedicated to providing a safe and secure location for youth to participate in sports and after school activities.

“This year for the first time in Houston boxing history, we are developing an elite international youth boxing team,” said George Foreman, IV. “The team will be selected for the sole purpose of training and traveling to other countries to gain experience on an international platform and promote cultural diplomacy! Utilizing grant and donor funding this team will be representing the George Foreman Youth and Community Center and will be announced Saturday October 22, at the Gulf Region’s Boxing Championship. The team will be reviewed by my father, 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-Time Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman Sr. The first international trip for this new Houston team is scheduled for Jan. 2017.”

Doors open for the Gulf Gloves Championships on Saturday October 22nd at 11:00 am with announcements and the presentation of the colors by the United States Army Houston Recruiting Command Baytown Beaumont Company at 12:45 pm. The national anthem will be performed by the internationally acclaimed Houston Brass Quintet! Boxing will begin at 1:00 pm. Championship finals will begin at 1:00 pm on Sunday October 23rd.

Media open workouts for Houston amateur standout boxers will be held Wednesday October 19th at the George Foreman Youth and Community Center at 2202 Lone Oak Road Houston, Texas 77093 at 4:00 pm.

Confirmed attendees for interviews will be:

George Edward Foreman IV: Son of 2 Time Heavy Weight Champion, President of Foreman Public Relations

Marlen Esparza: 2012 Olympic Games Bronze Medalist, 2014 Amateur World Champion, 2006 & 2016 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, Nine-Time USA Boxing National Champion.

Rocky Juarez: 2000 Olympic Games Silver Medalist, 1999 Amateur World Champion, WBC Silver Featherweight World Champion.

Raul Marquez: 1988 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, 1992 Olympic Games Quarter-finalist, IBF Light Middleweight World Champion.

Frank Tate: 1984 Olympic Games Gold Medalist, IBF Middleweight World Champion, NABF Light Heavyweight Champion.

Juan “Baby Bull” Diaz: WBA Lightweight World Champion, WBO Lightweight World Champion, WBA Super-Lightweight World Champion, IBF Lightweight World Champion.

“Sweet” Reggie Johnson: WBA Middleweight World Champion, IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion.

In addition to many Houston area professional boxers and Gulf Boxing Association alumni. Event is sanctioned by USA Boxing – Gulf LBC: 16-25-14268

George Foreman Youth Center / Check out more boxing news and videos at The Boxing Channel.

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Press Releases

Michelle Corrales-Lewis Named New CEO of NV Boxing Hall of Fame



Michelle Corrales-Lewis

LAS VEGAS, NV (October 5, 2016) – The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame (NVBHOF) a non-profit charitable organization which donates to boxing-related causes, is happy to announce Michelle Corrales-Lewis as its new CEO/President. Respected boxing announcer, Rich Marotta, who founded the NVBHOF in 2012, steps down after devoting years of his life to get the organization off the ground.

With a number of boxing greats already inducted, which include world champion fighters, judges, coaches and promoters, the NVBHOF has rapidly established itself as prestigious group not only here in Las Vegas, but around the world. The NVBHOF has multiple fundraising events throughout the year, helping local boxing organizations fulfill their goals to keep boxing alive within the community.

“I took this organization as far as I could and I’m very comfortable where it is at today,” said Rich Marotta. “Michelle is on the scene in Las Vegas, has a myriad of contacts, both in business and with the boxing community, especially the fighters, and is more than ready to completely run the company. She is incredibly capable and has been an indefatigable agent for growth of the NVBHOF the past three years, taking on additional responsibilities each and every year. It brings me great pleasure to announce her as the new CEO of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame.”

After serving as the NVBHOF Chief Operating Officer for many years, Michelle Corrales-Lewis, is thrilled at her new position within the organization.

“It’s an honor to be chosen as the new CEO of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame,” said Michelle Corrales-Lewis, widow of former multiple world champion and 2013 NVBHOF inductee, Diego Corrales. “Rich Marotta did a fantastic job building the organization from ground up. His immense work ethic is a great example of how I plan to continue the vision he set forth. My goal is to find a home for the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, one where fans from all around the world can visit on regular basis. The boxing community is filled with wonderful people that we will honor as inductees each year. I’m truly grateful for the wonderful opportunity that has been presented to me by my dear friend Rich Marotta.”

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Gene Hackman’s Involvement in Boxing Went Deeper than that of a Casual Fan

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The Hauser Report — Riyadh Season and Sony Hall: Very Big and Very Small

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The Hauser Report: Keyshawn Davis at Madison Square Garden

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Lucas Bahdi Paid His Dues, Quite Literally, and Now his Boxing Career is Flourishing

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Friday Boxing Recaps: Observations on Conlan, Eubank, Bahdi, and David Jimenez

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Arnold Barboza Edges Past Jack Catterall in Manchester

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Early Results from Riyadh where Hamzah Sheeraz was Awarded a Gift Draw

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Oscar Duarte KOs Miguel Madueno in a Battle of Mexicans at Anaheim

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Two Candidates for the Greatest Fight Card in Boxing History

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Bivol Evens the Score with Beterbiev; Parker and Stevenson Win Handily

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Cain Sandoval KOs Mark Bernaldez in the Featured Bout at Santa Ynez

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Price Conquers Jonas on an All-Female Card at Royal Albert Hall

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Price Conquers Jonas on an All-Female Card at Royal Albert Hall

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Lamont Roach holds Tank Davis to a Draw in Brooklyn

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Dueling Cards in the U.K. where Crocker Controversially Upended Donovan in Belfast

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Avila Perspective, Chap. 315: Tank Davis, Hackman, Ortiz and More

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Gene Hackman’s Involvement in Boxing Went Deeper than that of a Casual Fan

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The Hauser Report — Riyadh Season and Sony Hall: Very Big and Very Small

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Bivol Evens the Score with Beterbiev; Parker and Stevenson Win Handily

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Early Results from Riyadh where Hamzah Sheeraz was Awarded a Gift Draw

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Cain Sandoval KOs Mark Bernaldez in the Featured Bout at Santa Ynez

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Two Candidates for the Greatest Fight Card in Boxing History

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Lucas Bahdi Paid His Dues, Quite Literally, and Now his Boxing Career is Flourishing

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The Hauser Report: Keyshawn Davis at Madison Square Garden


