Avila Perspective, Chap. 158: Title Troubles and Title Clashes and More About 10 years ago, an attempt to form a sanctioning organization void of politics and...
Claressa Shields, the self-proclaimed GOAT of women’s boxing, is 89-2 in combat sports. Her first setback came in May of 2012 when she lost a 4-round...
Thomas Hauser is the Pierce Egan of our generation. Two centuries ago, Egan chronicled the goings-on in the world of prizefighting in a series of articles....
Shakur Stevenson’s Star Turn Gets No Media Coverage in Atlanta For that part of the sports world that takes notice of boxing, Shakur Stevenson announced himself...
Former world featherweight title-holder Shakur Stevenson turned in his career-best performance tonight at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta while wresting the WBO 130-pound world title...
Undefeated welterweight Harold Calderon remained unbeaten despite strange tactics by late replacement Luis Florez that forced a premature end of the fight due to a disqualification...
On Sept. 9, 1978, a Bayonne, New Jersey brawler who was billed as Rocky Estafire when he was first starting out, stopped slick Bobby “Boogaloo” Watts...
Ontario, CA — A return of fans to the Inland Empire saw Mexico’s Miguel Madueno extend his consecutive knockout streak to a dozen at the Doubletree...
Back in January, the World Boxing Council announced that they were creating a new weight division. Tailored to boxers weighing between 200 and 224 pounds, they...
Avila Perspective, Chap: 157: Tank Davis and Rollie Romero in LA and More LOS ANGELES-One champ sells out Atlanta, the other fights out of Las Vegas,...