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Should a Boxer be Forced to Retire When He Reaches a Certain Age?: A New TSS Survey




Tris Dixon’s new book, “Damage: The Untold Story of Brain Trauma in Boxing,” has stirred up considerable conversation among boxing people. In this vein, the survey question this time was whether a professional boxer should be forced to retire when he or she reaches a certain age? Here is what over 40 respondents said. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Jeff Bumpus — former fighter; writer: No. It’s the only thing that some people have. It’s a way of making a living in a dishonest game. Take that away from a person who can do nothing else and you create a problem where none existed before. He probably will be dead before brain injuries do their work.

Steve Canton — writer, author and head of Florida Boxing Hall of Fame: I don’t believe a boxer should be forced to retire at a certain age because each fighter is different and ages differently. The rigors of the sport affect each fighter differently. Rather than a certain age, perhaps medical testing should be the deciding factor.

Michael Culbert — former boxer: Every fighter is different. If a fighter can pass the proper physical exams, he or she should be allowed to box. Especially important are CAT scans and MRI’s on the brain for older boxers.

Jill Diamond — WBC International Secretary and Global Chair, WBC Cares:  Physiology differs. A person can be young and sustain enough punches to cause TBI years down the road, or be the kind of fighter that rarely gets hit, has fewer fights, or has a stronger neck and skull, etc. Until there are accurate tests to determine long term damage, I would rather see consistent, uniform and thorough testing rather than age.

Matt Farrago — former boxer and founder of Ring 10: Forced to retire? Absolutely not unless he or she is showing clear signs of serious or permanent damage. No two people are the same. Each fighter handles punches and damage differently. Plus, this is their livelihood. This is how they make a living or hope to. Who gets to make that call and how can the fighter be compensated for by a forced early retirement? A UNION has to formed.

Rick Farris — writer, former fighter, and head of West Coast Boxing Hall of Fame: I have strong feelings about “over age” boxers being licensed to fight. Those for it cite a few examples such as George Foreman to support their theory. Those against bring more credible evidence to support the risks involved. Trying to pick a specific age for mandatory retirement is difficult because all boxers age differently. I’m not going to get involved in this because it will not change one thing.

Bernard Fernandez – journalist, author, 2020 IBHOF inductee: Setting an arbitrary retirement age for boxers is not the answer to eliminating or even significantly reducing the possibility of traumatic brain injuries. Meldrick Taylor’s cognitive decline was beginning to be evident at 26; Bernard Hopkins still was mentally sharp after his final bout, when he was nearly 52. Not all fighters, or their brains, fit easy categorization. State commissions and physicians can only go so far in making assessments of any individual’s fitness for continuing in a hard profession.

Michael Finn — former fighter and president of RING 4: A boxer’s right to participate in the sport should be terminated when mental or physical defects are noticed in the person in question. The decision should be rendered by an independent medical staff.

Jeffrey Freeman (aka KO Digest), TSS writer: Of course not. Stop the sanctimonious wailing. Boxing is the hurt business. Under a proposal such as this it’s hard to see how George Foreman would ever get his triumphant last laugh at 45. Unless the age limit is 65, no.

Clarence George – writer, boxing historian: Wear and tear trumps age. Medical exams should be more regular and rigorous, and the doctor’s determination should be universally accepted by boxing commissions. It’s not unreasonable for the boxer to request a second opinion. If there’s medical agreement, however, that should be the end of the matter. If there isn’t, a third doctor’s opinion should be sought, in which case it would come down to a split decision one way or the other.

Dr. Margaret Goodman: — neurologist, author, former ringside physician, chairperson of VADA, 2021 IBHOF inductee:  “Age is just a number” and cannot be the sole factor. The timing of a fighter’s retirement should be multifactorial. “Ring age” is much more important—number of rounds a fighter has endured–including in the amateurs, stoppage losses and most importantly a yearly evaluation. Too few commissions are willing to deny a fighter a license and so they rely upon passing tests. It’s frustrating, often expensive and time consuming when determining if a fighter’s license should be denied, but to me, the most important role a commission has is determining fitness to box.  More often than not a commission doesn’t need costly testing to make that determination, but legal challenges often weigh in their determination. If we look at CTE autopsies–some of those individuals only had exposure when they were teens or college age….and may have had subconcussive blows–which may be of more significance than concussion itself. I agree that boxing is a young person’s sport, but that doesn’t mean we don’t include it—it means we have to look at the entire picture.

Randy Gordon — former New York Athletic Commission chairman, host of “At the Fights” on Sirius Radio, historian, writer: Part of me says there should be a mandatory retirement while another part says everyone is as different as a fingerprint. If the retirement age in boxing was, say  38, that would eliminate such men as Mayweather, Foreman,  Holyfield, Luis “King Kong” Ortiz, etc from competing. Some fighters are damaged goods in their early 30’s, while others (like Mayweather and Pacquiao) are still going strong in their early 40’s. With some fighters, obvious physical deterioration is noticeable in their 20’s. There should not be a mandatory retirement age, but rather, a commission or medical review board to handle each case individually

Allan Green — multiple world title challenger: No, as long as his or her health is intact they should be allowed to compete.

Lee Groves — historian, writer, author, CompuBox wizard and podcast panelist:  I don’t agree with a mandatory blanket age. We all are built differently and we all have different capabilities. Some fighters burn out by their mid-20s while others, like Foreman, Hopkins, Pacquiao, Mayweather, GGG and many more, can still compete well at a high level at an advanced age. What if Eder Jofre retired for good after his second fight with Harada? We then wouldn’t have seen one of the most remarkable comebacks in history — 25 fights, 25 wins and a second world title in a higher weight class at the age of 37. Medical and ring results and not an arbitrarily determined age should determine when a fighter should retire.

Henry Hascup — president of the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame, RING 8 official, and noted historian: No! Fighters grow old at different times. Fighters like George Foreman, Bernard Hopkins and Archie Moore were still competing at a high level well into their 40’s. While others like Terry McGovern, Tami Mauriello and Artie Levine were done by their mid-20’s! Styles play a big part as well; boxers usually last longer than sluggers.

Bruce Kielty — professional boxing booking agent:  Federal laws would prevail if an arbitrary age was chosen. The Chief Ringside Inspector should be qualified enough to determine if a boxer is unable to safely compete and his/her license be revoked. The boxer could then challenge the matter in a court of law, if desired.


I am an old man. I just happen to be an old man that can fight. — Bernard Hopkins


Dr. Stuart Kirschenbaum – former head of the Michigan Boxing Commission: Age is not the problem…it is how many miles are on the car. Boxers start too young as amateurs when the brain and skull is not fully developed. Professionals can be placed on medical suspensions but be allowed in unregulated gyms to spar. In baseball a manager counts pitches not to ruin an arm, but in boxing it’s not the number of fights but the number of rounds in the gym and bouts that accumulatively cook in the crock pot for a serving of brain trauma.

Jim Lampley – linchpin of the legendary HBO Boxing announcing team, 2015 IBHOF inductee: Age is the wrong criterion for evaluation of a fighter’s pathology because just as styles make fights, styles identify careers. A gifted 37-year-old defender/counterpuncher is one thing, a gifted 37-year-old puncher/warrior is something entirely different. I am not sure what criterion I would suggest for this other than age, but I know for sure that age isn’t it.

Arne Lang — TSS editor-in-chief, author, historian: If I ran a state boxing commission, I would convene a panel and charge them with developing a formula for establishing a line in the sand — a boundary beyond which no boxer would be licensed in my jurisdiction. Yes, I know that’s just passing the buck, but so be it. And by the way, Evander Holyfield doesn’t need to be taking any more punches to the head, not even punches from oversized gloves in a glorified sparring session, and shame on anyone that would abet it.

Ron Lipton — former police official, veteran pro referee, former fighter, boxing writer and historian, inducted into both the NJ and NY State Boxing Halls of Fame: The sole determining factor is the physical and medical determination by the respective Boxing Commission’s medical staff once they have been  provided with the results of an MRI, cat scan, thorough blood workup, physical tests and exams involving reflexes, eye sight, hearing, cardio vascular fitness and the history of the individual applying for the boxing license. When approaching 50 years of age, prudent judgment is required. Some boxers are too old at 35, others can still fight at 50.

Paul Magno — boxing writer, author: No mandatory retirement age. All fighters are different and travel different career paths. Forcing retirement would’ve robbed us of Bernard Hopkins’ post-40 run as well as the late career exploits of Pacquiao, Mayweather, Marquez, etc. There should be, however, an oversight committee of experts and fight-knowledgeable physicians deciding, on a case by case basis, whether fighters should still be competing. But that opens up the question of how we could do something like that and enforce the committee’s decisions. As long as boxing continues to be a regulatory mess, fighters will continue to box under varying degrees of risk.

Don Majewski — historian and official of RING 8: I suppose a question of an individual’s right comes into play here. Different people age in different ways. On the whole humans are growing larger and living longer as to boxing; Wilfredo Benitez was finished at 25 and is near catatonic today at age 63 while Archie Moore did not win his world title until he was 36 – and held it for nine years and lived, relatively healthy, to 82 years of age. On the whole — as we are talking about a commercial enterprise (professional boxing) where the person (the boxer) is the commodity — I do not believe that any boxer who has not made it by age 40 should continue to fight. I would say that 90% of the professional boxers I’ve known past the age of 65 have had brain damage

Adeyinka Makinde – U.K. barrister, author, and contributor to the Cambridge Companion to Boxing: Boxers should not be forced to retire at a particular age. But boxing commissions should strictly enforce retirement based on comprehensive physical surveys with particular emphasis on the condition of a boxer’s brain and eyes. There would need to be a determined level of national and international co-operation over this. The quality of the fighter’s life after what is a limited time span of a career should be paramount notwithstanding the romantic tales of the likes of Joe Frazier and Gypsy Joe Harris, both of whom apparently fought half-blinded.

Robert Mladinich — former NYC police official, boxer, writer, author, actor, commentator, and God only knows what else: In the early 1980s, heavyweight Dave Zyglewicz sued the NYS Athletic Commission to be allowed to make a comeback at 38. Today he would be considered a spring chicken. To protect fighters from themselves, there could be individual medical evaluations after a certain age or amount of fights with strict criteria. One size does not fit all in life or in sports so putting an age limit on boxers would be well-intentioned but unfair.


                     Retirement should be multifactorial — Dr. Margaret Goodman


Gordon Marino – philosophy professor emeritus, Wall Street Journal boxing writer, trainer: Seems like a good idea to me despite the exceptions. My wife is a neuroscientist and work some with the professional fighters brain health study. The fact is as we age our brains shrink and there’s more room for them to be slammed against our skull or at least that’s how I understand part of the problem. Still, so many people who fight on into middle age are just doing it because they’re broke and they’re getting hurt.

David Martinez — writer and historian: I have always contended that NOBODY beats father time. I would be in favor of a specific age limit for professional boxers to retire, that has nothing to do with the amount of fights in one’s career. These days we are subject to retired boxers in participation with something called an “exhibition” … as said in a circus “ladies and gentlemen – let the show begin” and I can’t wait – what’s next – dancing elephants?

Layla McCarter – active boxer, world champion in multiple weight divisions: Definitely not. Age is not the factor unless they have slowed considerably and are taking damage. Everyone is different.

Diego Morilla — The Ring en Español/ The issue of  forcing retirement due to age or neurological damage is touchy and goes straight to the heart of boxing as a viable human activity. But the debate, to me, can be summarized in a simple question: are the proponents of this forceful ban or retirement willing to do the same for every human activity that implies irreparable physical or neurological damage? Are they rallying people in coal mines, chemical plants, virus-infested intensive care units or risky demolition or construction sites to leave those life-threatening, low-paying jobs because of the danger they face each day? As long as a person is free to earn a living legally and honestly, he or she is free to put his body at risk. And no other human activity exposes the hypocrisy of those who pretend to know how to judge other people’s exposure to harm better than boxing. Hence the occasional (and always futile) calls for its demise.

Joe Pasquale – elite boxing judge: As in any sport it is about condition, not age. Too many stoppages, injuries and concussions would make it a licensing issue for the Boxing Commission. Otherwise, retirement would be a personal choice.

Russell Peltz – legendary Philadelphia boxing promoter, 2004 IBHOF inductee: Not at all. Look at Hopkins. If they can pass all required post-40 medicals, why not let them fight?

Cliff Rold — writer, editor: No. Mandatory retirement age has never made sense. Fighters age differently.

Fred Romano — historian, author: I am not in favor of mandatory retirement. What we need are state commissions which are not unduly influenced by political or financial factors and that are supported by a sound medical review of potential participants.

Dana Rosenblatt — former middleweight champion of the world, motivational speaker, commentator: All fighters have physical differences that make them more or less susceptible to brain injury. Arbitrary age restrictions will not hurt a fighter’s chance of living a quality life after boxing. However, tell George Foreman that he can’t fight anymore at the moment he knocked out Michael Moorer and you not only rob him but also the world of true greatness and inspiration.

Ted Sares: TSS writer and historian:  For me, Dr. Bennet Omalu made the CTE breakthrough in football and Dr. Ann McKee connected football to boxing with her study of Paul Pender. Faced with massive legal action, football started to take responsibility. Boxing, however, continues to largely ignore the issues. One way (and there are others) to break through this denial is to establish a zero-tolerance age limit. Make it 40 or 42 or 45, but just do it.

Iceman John Scully — former fighter, elite trainer: Every fighter is completely different. Literally completely different biological forms. You have to go on an individual basis. If forced retirement was in effect, Bernard Hopkins would never have added to his legacy as he did and would never have been a world champion at a seriously advanced age for a boxer and Willie Pep wouldn’t have 229 professional victories. Fighters are all completely different physically and biologically and must be treated and dealt with accordingly.

Peter Silkov – British boxing writer, artist, founder of The Boxing Glove: Boxers should not be retired due to biological age but on a performance and health related system. We all know the fighters who have carried on fighting when they are already slurring or showing stark decline in the ring. Often it has nothing to do with biological age, more the mileage travelled inside the ring. Benitez should have been retired at 24 while Archie Moore and Bernard Hopkins were winning world titles in their late 30s and 40s. We have to stop fighters like Danny Williams. It’s all too obvious who needs to be retired for their own safety.

Mike Silver — author, writer and eminent boxing historian: Glad you are bringing attention to this important book. Focusing on age misses the point and diverts attention away from the main problem. There are some fighters who should be retired at 19 or 20. There are too many other factors to consider. No one should be allowed near a ring until they’ve read this book.

Alan Swyer — associated with the West Coast Boxing Hall of Fame, movie producer (Boxeo, etc): Though age is certainly a factor, in a period when boxers have far fewer fights than before, imposing retirement at a certain age seems like a half-hearted solution. Think about the great Sugar Ray Robinson, who had thirteen fights in 1965 alone — and fought until he was 44 had no brain trauma. In contrast, Ferdie Pacheco told me that in Ali’s case the issue was not age, but the early signs of Parkinson’s. What we need is better coaching plus far better medical attention.

Bruce Trampler – Top Rank matchmaker, screenwriter, blogger, 2010 IBHOF inductee: It was considered remarkable that Jersey Joe Walcott was heavyweight champ at 38. Athletes age better today (Brady, Foreman, Hopkins,  Pujols, etc.) so there should be no age limit in boxing. However, fighters should be analyzed on an individual basis, from amateurs who have been getting hit in the head since age 10 to the sport’s senior citizens. I once asked a neurologist when brain damage showed during an exam, and his reply was “When it’s too late.” Kelcie Banks, a U.S. Olympian in 1988 at age 23, seemed damaged goods neurologically just four years later. He was a beautiful kid and was sadly allowed to fight on, struggling against very low-level opposition. Many top boxers now fight safely and competitively well into their late 30s and even beyond. We would never automatically say anyone over 75 should not drive, and boxers of any age should be examined separately before being licensed. I saw Jerry Quarry and Terry Norris pass physicals well past their “sell by” date, yet they were rejected for a license, as Kelcie Banks finally was, too. Amen.

Harold Weston Jr. — popular middleweight contender of the 1970s and member of NY State Boxing Hall of Fame: I have discussed this with many doctors and I have been in the ring with great boxers who are not doing well today. Some have passed. Boxing and football are sports in which anything can happen. If you engage with the best, you will get hit “hard.”

Gary “Digital” Williams — voice of Boxing on the Beltway: I’m not sure if it should be a certain age more than a certain condition. There is a boxer I know in his 40’s who is still competing well. But if the condition is bad, that boxer shouldn’t be competing.

Tim Witherspoon — former two-time heavyweight champion of the world: Yes, boxers should be forced to retire if they get too old. It’s just too much for the brain to handle. I also think there should be some test-taking to see if a boxer has brain damage. Safety should be the number one priority and also a boxing Union.

Peter Wood — former fighter, writer and author: No, he or she should not be forced to retire. Boxing should remain what it is—an outlaw sport for rugged individuals and risky iconoclasts. Good question.

Observations: Only four respondents (including yours truly) went for an age restriction. The overwhelming consensus can be summed up in three words: “everyone is different.” Clarence George’s response is especially well-stated and covers the bases nicely.

In summary and based on this survey, the issue is not age. It’s the punishment a fighter has taken and the damage it has done.

What do you think?

Pictured: The Quarry brothers, Jerry and Mike.

Ted Sares enjoys researching and writing about boxing. He also competes as a powerlifter in the 80-85-class. He can be reached at

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Hall of Fame Boxing Writer Michael Katz (1939-2025) Could Wield His Pen like a Stiletto




One of the last of the breed – a full-time boxing writer for the print edition of a major metropolitan daily – left us this week. Hall of Fame boxing writer Michael Katz was 85 when he drew his last breath at an assisted living facility in Brooklyn on Monday, Jan. 27.

Born in the Bronx, Katz earned his spurs writing for the school newspaper “The Campus” at the City College of New York. He was living in Paris and working for the international edition of the New York Times when he covered his first fight, the 15-round contest between Floyd Patterson and Jimmy Ellis at Stockholm in 1968. He eventually became the Times boxing writer, serving in that capacity for almost nine years before bolting for the New York Daily News in 1985 where he was reunited with the late Vic Ziegel, his former CCNY classmate and cohort at the campus newspaper.

From a legacy standpoint, leaving America’s “paper of record” for a tabloid would seem to be a step down. Before the digital age, the Times was one of only a handful of papers that could be found on microfilm in every college library. Tabloids like the Daily News were evanescent. Yesterday’s paper, said the cynics, was only good for wrapping fish.

But at the Daily News, Michael Katz was less fettered, less of a straight reporter and more of a columnist, freer to air his opinions which tended toward the snarky. Regarding the promoter Don King, Katz wrote, “On the way to the gallows, Don King would try to pick the pocket of the executioner.”

With his metaphoric inkwell steeped in bile, Katz made many enemies. “Bob Arum would sell tickets to a Joey Buttafuoco lecture on morals and be convinced it was for a noble cause,” wrote Katz in 1993. Arum had had enough when Katz took him to task for promoting a fight on the night of Yom Kippur and sued Katz for libel.

“It was out of my hands, HBO picked the date,” said Arum of the 1997 bout between Buster Douglas and John Ruiz that never did come off after Douglas suffered a hand injury in training. (Arum would subsequently drop the suit, saying it wasn’t worth the hassle.)

At press luncheons in Las Vegas, the PR people always made certain to seat Katz with his pals Ed Schuyler, the Associated Press boxing writer, and Pat Putnam, the Sports Illustrated guy. They reveled in each other’s company. But Katz also made enemies with some of his peers on press row, in some cases fracturing longstanding friendships.

“I like Hauser,” wrote Katz in a review of Thomas Hauser’s award-winning biography of Muhammad Ali, “and was afraid that after Tom put in those thousands of hours with Ali, somehow the book couldn’t be as good as I wanted. With relief, I can report it’s better than I had hoped.”

The two later had a falling-out.

Katz’s most celebrated run-in with a colleague happened in June of 2004 when he scuffled with Boston Globe boxing writer Ron Borges in the media room at the MGM Grand during the pre-fight press conference for the fight between Oscar De La Hoya and Felix Sturm. During the fracas, Katz, Borges, Arum, and Arum’s publicist Lee Samuels toppled to the floor. The cantankerous Katz, who initiated the fracas by attacking Borges verbally, then wore a neck brace and carried a cane.

“I had my ups and downs with him,” wrote Borges on social media upon learning of Katz’s death, “but we traveled the world together for nearly 50 years and I long admired his talent, his willingness to stand up for fighters and to call out the b.s. of boxing and its promoters and broadcast entities who worked diligently to try and destroy a noble sport.”

A little-known fact about Michael Katz is that he played a role in getting one of the best boxing books, George Kimball’s vaunted “Four Kings,” to its publishing house. Kimball, who passed away in 2011, an esophageal cancer victim at age 67, was hospitalized and too ill to finish the proofing and editing of the manuscript and enlisted the aid of Katz and an old friend from Boston, Tom Frail, an editor at the Smithsonian magazine, to complete the finishing touches. “If there are any mistakes in the book,” wisecracked Kimball, “blame them.”

Katz was one of the first sportswriters to hop on the internet bandwagon, moving his tack to which became That didn’t work out so well for him. Some of his last published pieces ran in the Memphis Commercial Appeal and in the Las Vegas weekly Gaming Today.

A widower for much of his adult life, Katz was predeceased by his only child, his beloved daughter Moorea, a cancer sufferer who passed away in 2021. Her death took all the spirit out of him, noted matchmaker and freelance boxing writer Eric Bottjer in a moving tribute.

During a moment in Atlantic City, Bottjer had been privy to a different side of the irascible curmudgeon, “a beautiful soul when open and vulnerable.” The best way to honor Katz’s memory, he writes, is to reach out to a long lost friend. Pass it on.

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Boxing Odds and Ends: Ernesto Mercado, Marcel Cerdan and More




The TSS Fighter of the Month for January is super lightweight Ernesto “Tito” Mercado who scored his sixth straight knockout, advancing his record to 17-0 (16 KOs) with a fourth-round stoppage of Jose Pedraza on the undercard of Diego Pacheco vs. Steven Nelson at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas.

Mercado was expected to win. At age 35, Pedraza’s best days were behind him. But the Puerto Rican “Sniper” wasn’t chopped liver. A 2008 Beijing Olympian, he was a former two-division title-holder. In a previous fight in Las Vegas, in June of 2021, Pedraza proved too savvy for Julian Rodriguez (currently 23-1) whose corner pulled him out after eight rounds. So, although Mercado knew that he was the “A-side,” he also knew, presumably, that it was important to bring his “A” game.

Mercado edged each of the first three frames in what was shaping up as a tactical fight. In round four, he followed a short left hand with an overhand right that landed flush on Pedraza’s temple. “It was a discombobulating punch,” said one of DAZN’s talking heads. Indeed, the way that Pedraza fell was awkward. “[He] crushed colorfully backward and struck the back of his head on the canvas before rising on badly wobbled legs,” wrote ringside reporter Lance Pugmire.

He beat the count, but referee Robert Hoyle wisely waived it off.

Now 23 years old, Ernesto “Tito” Mercado was reportedly 58-5 as an amateur. At the December 2019 U.S. Olympic Trials in Lake Charles, Louisiana, he advanced to the finals in the lightweight division but then took sick and was medically disqualified from competing in the championship round. His opponent, Keyshawn Davis, won in a walkover and went on to win a silver medal at the Tokyo Games.

As a pro, only one of Mercado’s opponents, South African campaigner Xolisani Ndongeni, heard the final bell. Mercado won nine of the 10 rounds. The stubborn Ndongeni had previously gone 10 rounds with Devin Haney and would subsequently go 10 rounds with Raymond Muratalla.

The Ndongeni fight, in July of 2023, was staged in Nicaragua, the homeland of Mercado’s parents. Tito was born in Upland in Southern California’s Inland Empire and currently resides in Pomona.

Pomona has spawned two world champions, the late Richie Sandoval and Sugar Shane Mosley. Mercado is well on his way to becoming the third.

Marcel Cerdan Jr

Born in Casablanca, Marcel Cerdan Jr was four years old when his dad ripped the world middleweight title from Tony Zale. A good fighter in his own right, albeit nowhere near the level of his ill-fated father, the younger Cerdan passed away last week at age 81.

Fighting mostly as a welterweight, Cerdan Jr scored 56 wins in 64 professional bouts against carefully selected opponents. He came up short in his lone appearance in a U.S. ring where he was matched tough against Canadian champion Donato Paduano, losing a 10-round decision on May 11, 1970 at Madison Square Garden. This was a hard, bloody fight in which both men suffered cuts from accidental head butts.

Cerdan Jr and Paduano both trained for the match at the Concord Hotel in the Catskills. In the U.S. papers, Cerdan Jr’s record was listed as 47-0-1. The record conveniently omitted the loss that he had suffered in his third pro bout.

Eight years after his final fight, Cerdan Jr acquired his highest measure of fame for his role in the movie Edith et Marcel. He portrayed his father who famously died at age 33 in a plane crash in the Azores as he was returning to the United States for a rematch with Jake LaMotta who had taken away his title.

Edith et Marcel, directed by Claude Lelouch, focused on the love affair between Cerdan and his mistress Edith Piaf, the former street performer turned cabaret star who remains today the most revered of all the French song stylists.

Released in 1983, twenty years after the troubled Piaf passed away at age 47, the film, which opened to the greatest advertising blitz in French cinematic history, caused a sensation in France, spawning five new books and hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles. Cerdan Jr’s performance was “surprisingly proficient” said the Associated Press about the ex-boxer making his big screen debut.

The French language film occasionally turns up on Turner Classic Movies. Although it got mixed reviews, the film is a feast for the ears for fans of Edith Piaf. The musical score is comprised of Piaf’s original songs in her distinctive voice.

Marcel Cerdan Jr’s death was attributed to pneumonia complicated by Alzheimer’s. May he rest in peace.

Claressa Shields

Speaking of movies, the Claressa Shields biopic, The Fire Inside, released on Christmas day, garnered favorable reviews from some of America’s most respected film critics with Esquire’s Max Cea calling it the year’s best biopic. First-time director Rachel Morrison, screenwriter Barry Jenkins, and Ryan Destiny, who portrays Claressa, were singled out for their excellent work.

The movie highlights Shields’ preparation for the 2012 London Olympics and concludes with her training for the Rio Games where, as we know, she would win a second gold medal. In some respects, the movie is reminiscent of The Fighter, the 2010 film starring Mark Wahlberg as Irish Micky Ward where the filmmakers managed to manufacture a great movie without touching on Ward’s famous trilogy with Arturo Gatti.

The view from here is that screenwriter Jenkins was smart to end the movie where he did. In boxing, and especially in women’s boxing, titles are tossed around like confetti. Had Jenkins delved into Claressa’s pro career, a very sensitive, nuanced biopic, could have easily devolved into something hokey. And that’s certainly no knock on Claressa Shields. The self-described GWOAT, she is dedicated to her craft and a very special talent.

Shields hopes that the buzz from the movie will translate into a full house for her homecoming fight this coming Sunday, Feb. 2, at the Dort Financial Center in Flint, Michigan. A bevy of heavyweight-division straps will be at stake when Shields, who turns 30 in March, takes on 42-year-old Brooklynite Danielle Perkins.

At bookmaking establishments, Claressa is as high as a 25/1 favorite. That informs us that the oddsmakers believe that Perkins is marginally better than Claressa’s last opponent, Vanessa Lepage-Joanisse. That’s damning Perkins with faint praise.

Shields vs. Perkins plus selected undercard bouts will air worldwide on DAZN at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT.

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Ringside at the Cosmo: Pacheco Outpoints Nelson plus Undercard Results




Ringside at the Cosmo: Pacheco Outpoints Nelson plus Undercard Results

LAS VEGAS, NV – Eddie Hearn’s Matchroom Promotions was at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas tonight for the second half of a DAZN doubleheader that began in Nottingham, England. In the main event, Diego Pacheco, ranked #1 by the WBO at super middleweight, continued his ascent toward a world title with a unanimous decision over Steven Nelson.

Pacheco glides round the ring smoothly whereas Nelson wastes a lot energy with something of a herky-jerky style. However, although Nelson figured to slow down as the fight progressed, he did some of his best work in rounds 11 and 12. Fighting with a cut over his left eye from round four, a cut that periodically reopened, the gritty Nelson fulfilled his promise that he would a fight as if he had everything to lose if he failed to win, but it just wasn’t enough, even after his Omaha homie Terence “Bud” Crawford entered his corner before the last round to give him a pep talk (back home in North Omaha, Nelson runs the B&B (Bud and Bomac) Sports Academy.

All three judges had it 117-111 for Pacheco who mostly fought off his back foot but landed the cleaner punches throughout. A stablemate of David Benavidez and trained by David’s father Jose Benevidez Sr, Pacheco improved to 23-0 (18). It was the first pro loss for the 36-year-old Nelson (20-1).

Semi wind-up

Olympic gold medalist Andy Cruz, who as a pro has never fought a match slated for fewer than 10 rounds, had too much class for Hermosillo, Mexico’s rugged Omar Salcido who returned to his corner with a puffy face after the fourth stanza, but won the next round and never stopped trying. The outcome was inevitable even before the final round when Salcido barely made it to the final gun, but the Mexican was far more competitive than many expected.

The Cuban, who was 4-0 vs. Keyshawn Davis in closely-contested bouts as an amateur, advanced his pro record to 5-0 (2), winning by scores by 99-91 and 98-92 twice. Salido, coming off his career-best win, a 9th-round stoppage of former WBA super featherweight title-holder Chris Colbert, falls to 20-2.

Other TV bouts

Ernesto “Tito” Mercado, a 23-year-old super lightweight, aims to become the next world champion from Pomona, California, following in the footsteps of the late Richie Sandoval and Sugar Shane Mosely, and based on his showing tonight against former Beijing Olympian and former two-division title-holder Jose Pedraza, he is well on his way.

After three rounds after what had been a technical fight, Mercado (17-0, 16 KOs) knocked Pedraza off his pins with a short left hand followed by an overhand right. Pedraza bounced back and fell on his backside. When he arose on unsteady legs, the bout was waived off. The official time was 2:08 of round four and the fading, 35-year-old Pedraza (29-7-1) was saddled with his third loss in his last four outings.

The 8-round super lightweight clash between Israel Mercado (the 29-year-old uncle of “Tito”) and Leonardo Rubalcava was a fan-friendly skirmish with many robust exchanges. When the smoke cleared, the verdict was a majority draw. Mercado got the nod on one card (76-74), but was overruled by a pair of 75-75 scores.

Mercado came out strong in the opening round, but suffered a flash knockdown before the round ended. The referee ruled it a slip but was overruled by replay operator Jay Nady and what would have been a 10-9 round for Mercado became a 10-8 round for Rubalcava. Mercado lost another point in round seven when he was penalized for low blows.

The scores were 76-74 for Mercado (11-1-2) and 75-75 twice. The verdict was mildly unpopular with most thinking that Mercado deserved the nod. Reportedly a four-time Mexican amateur champion, Rubalcava (9-0-1) is trained by Robert Garcia.


New Matchroom signee Nishant Dev, a 24-year-old southpaw from India, had an auspicious pro debut (pardon the cliché). Before a beaming Eddie Hearn, Dev stopped Oakland’s Alton Wiggins (1-1-1) in the opening round. The referee waived it off after the second knockdown.

Boxers from India have made large gains at the amateur level in recent years and Matchroom honcho Eddie Hearn anticipates that Dev, a Paris Olympian, will be the first fighter from India to make his mark as a pro.

Undefeated Brooklyn lightweight Harley Mederos, managed by the influential Keith Connolly, scored his seventh knockout in eight tries with a brutal third-round KO of Mexico’s Arturo de Isla.

A left-right combination knocked de Isla (5-3-1) flat on his back. Referee Raul Caiz did not bother to count and several minutes elapsed before the stricken fighter was fit to leave the ring. The official time was 1:27 of round three.

In the opener, Newark junior lightweight Zaquin Moses, a cousin of Shakur Stevenson, improved to 2-0 when his opponent retired on his stool after the opening round.

Photo credit: Melina Pizano / Matchroom

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