Watching Alexis Rocha and Blair Cobbs slug it out in Los Angeles last weekend brought back burning memories of similar feuds of the past from the...
Los Angeles has always had this deep, dark unknown side to it especially when it comes to boxing. At the beginning of the 1900s prizefighting took...
Former world junior middleweight champion Oscar “Shotgun” Albarado passed away on Feb. 17 at age 72 in a nursing home in his hometown of Uvalde, Texas....
If you play word association with retired boxer Marcos Geraldo, you might come up with “chinny,” or “easy work.” But if you did, you would be...
Uncrowned World Champion Series: Armando ‘The Man’ Muniz Belts, belts, everybody has a belt. Until the 1980s there were only two world title belts in each...
Olympic Memories – Sitting in his living room Armando Muniz watches the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and vividly remembers that day he stepped into...