In Tokyo, Japan, in an event that began in the wee hours of the morning in the United States, Floyd Mayweather, in what was ostensibly an...
THREE PUNCH COMBO: In the final edition of “the combo” for 2018, I will get the crystal ball out and look ahead with three bold predictions...
At its core, its essence, the sport of boxing is relatively simple. In a nutshell it comes down to hitting your opponent and not getting hit....
The Mayweather Boxing Club, the busiest boxing gym in Las Vegas, sits 2.7 miles from my house and I drop by often. The proprietor is never...
On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 29, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced that a settlement had been reached with boxer Floyd “Money” Mayweather regarding his...
While the usual hysteria surrounds the forthcoming match between the second and third best heavyweights in the world, a meeting between the second and third best...
On Wednesday, October 17, HBO Sports vice president Peter Nelson showed up to the Marriott Marquis in midtown Manhattan to partake in a panel on “storytelling”...
Floyd Mayweather, Jr. announced at a press conference in Tokyo, Japan today, that he will fight Teshin Nasukawa on New Year’s Eve in Saitama. He signed...
The late Ralph Kiner, who could hit the long ball but wasn’t particularly adept at anything else on a baseball field, led the National League in...
To the surprise of no one, former pound for pound king Floyd Mayweather is again becoming a staple of boxing news. The last time Floyd was...