In the build-up to Rocky Marciano’s first confrontation with Ezzard Charles, The Miami Herald cast an eye back to The Rock’s heartbreaking 1951 destruction of Joe Louis. In...
It’s still in print. You can log on to Amazon right now and buy one for yourself, renamed, repackaged, all shiny and new. But I like...
“Lionell ‘Lonnie B’ Thompson is a former professional boxer…” So reads the opening sentence of a blurb about him that popped up on the internet. Except...
The Triller Fight Club event in Atlanta on April 17 has been criticized by boxing purists as a s—show and a circus. Another boxing event that...
For the middleweights, world-conquering monsters arrived early. Of the three divisions I’ve studied so far, middleweight is by far the most dangerous territory. The top 12...
The best, most enthralling books, be they fiction or non-fiction, of necessity must engage readers in at least one of two ways. One is the subject...