The Sept. 11, 1964 fight between Dick Tiger and Don Fullmer marked the end of an era. The bout aired on ABC which had taken the...
B-Hop’s Latest Hall of Fame Extends Beyond the Ring Thomas Wolfe’s celebrated novel, You Can’t Go Home Again, published posthumously in 1940, paints a rather bleak...
The Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame Welcomes Native Son Bernard Hopkins Some athletes are so obviously gifted that they appear to have burst into prominence at...
When Hall of Fame boxing writer Bernard Fernandez set about compiling his anthology (Championship Rounds, published in 2020) he had some hard decisions to make. During...
It may not always be apparent to those with untrained eyes, but there is genuine art in boxing for those who understand the beauty and majesty...
Test your knowledge of boxing history in our latest TSS trivia quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions, each worth five points. A score of “60” or...
In the movie The Harder they Fall, boxer Buddy Brannen (played by Max Baer) renders a horrific beating on Gus Dundee (played by former heavyweight contender...
Today (Wednesday, Oct. 23) marks the 55th anniversary of the aborted fight at the Las Vegas Convention Center between Joey Giardello and challenger Rubin “Hurricane” Carter...
If cultural and culinary diversity is your thing, there’s some of that to be found along the South Philadelphia business corridor that runs along Washington Avenue...
Being a gatekeeper, especially in boxing, can be a lonely and underappreciated function. And in the 1950s, a golden age for the sport, that might have...