LOS ANGELES-A farewell show by boxing network HBO showcased two dominant women in the boxing world as Cecilia Braekhus and Claressa Shields mowed through their respective...
LOS ANGELES-After days of a dark and cold storm the sun is out. The sun will be shining when Cecilia Braekhus the undisputed welterweight world champion...
HOLLYWOOD, CA – All was not quiet on Halloween fight night in Hollywood as 360 Promotions staged its last fight of the year at one of...
HOLLYWOOD, Ca.-You can always count on Denis Shafikov for a dog fight. In front of a hometown crowd including IBF/WBA cruiserweight world champion Murat Gassiev shouting...
As bright as the lights shining on the Hollywood sign, the symbiotic relationship between Hollywood and prizefighting remains just as glowing. 360 Promotions brings its second...
HOLLYWOOD, Calif.-Nothing like a Hollywood premiere to introduce a new star on the horizon as Ryan “Blue Chip” Martin produced a knockout in front of a...
Hooray for Hollywood! That could be the theme for the new boxing series “Hollywood Fight Nights” by 360 Promotions that begins on Tuesday, March 27. A...