Savannah Marshall Captures a World Title on the Usyk-Chisora Card Cruiserweights are not heavyweights as Oleksandr Usyk discovered in winning by decision over true heavyweight Dereck...
Japan’s Naoya “Monster” Inoue proved his mastery with a knockout win over Australia’s determined Jason Moloney to retain the WBA and IBF bantamweight world titles on...
A night of knockouts in San Antonio ended with the most brutal knockout of them all when Gervonta “Tank” Davis sent Leo Santa Cruz to dreamland...
In a fight that was a lot closer than most folks expected, Oleksandr Usyk overcame Dereck Chisora, winning a unanimous decision on scores of 117-111, 115-113,...
A savage Jaime Munguia uppercut led to a knockout victory over Tureano Johnson but it was nip and tuck for several rounds in the Mexican fighter’s...
A Halloween-Inspired Homage to Bernard Hopkins A TSS CLASSIC — It is that time of year. The late-October autumn air on the East Coast is crisp...
Avila Perspective, Chap 111: Munguia, Tank and The Monster Here come some more hardcore fights. As the end of the year approaches contracts must be honored....
It’s been largely lost in the ragout, at least on this side of the pond, but Saturday’s busy fight docket includes the return of Oleksandr Usyk,...
Diego Armando Magdaleno, the son of a former semi-pro soccer player, was named for Argentine soccer star Diego Armando Maradona. But Diego’s father Jesus is hardly...
WBA “super” 130-pound champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis, short (5’5½”), short-armed (a 67½-inch reach) and powerful, has been described by some as a miniature Mike Tyson, which...