Top Rank was at the Hard Rock in Tulsa tonight with a card that aired on ESPN and ESPN+. In the main event, three-time Olympian Robson...
Once upon a time a Don King Productions was synonymous with big boxing events on a regular basis. Think Lennox Lewis, Evander Holyfield, Riddick Bowe, Mike...
Maybe former welterweight contender Percy Pugh would have gotten his chance to deliver the acceptance speech he had rehearsed who knows how many times in his...
“Tyson Fury vs Dillian Whyte confirmed…” begins the headline over a story in the sports section of today’s Manchester Evening News. That pronouncement takes a different...
If all the pieces come together, the PBC card on Feb. 5 at Mandalay Bay will have a distinct Arizona flavor. Welterweight Abel Ramos, the pride...
Dear Governor Hochul — I received several text messages earlier this month from someone I don’t know who wrote to me about a problem at the...
Evan Holyfield, the middle child of Evander Holyfield’s 11 children, made his pro debut on Nov. 2, 2019. His opponent lasted 16 seconds. Last night, Holyfield,...
SHOWTIME was at the Borgata in Atlantic City tonight with a tripleheader. In the main go, WBC featherweight champion Gary Allen Russell Jr, who had the...
Gary Allen Russell Jr. has not lost a fight in eight years and holds a grip on the WBC featherweight title as tight as the mythical...
If you’re a storyteller, and Mark Kriegel is certainly that, then boxing is the perfect passport. A multi-skilled journalist who works for ESPN on several platforms,...